Writing articles again

I wasn’t writing an article meant for a magazine since a long time, back to the times I was working with virtual user interfaces in immersive environments…Now the topic is quite different (Web Services, of course;-)) but the pleasure of having the chance to publish is the same. I’ll give more details in…


Yeees! I managed to have a palindrome post title 🙂 next stage is to make it bustrophedic… anyway it stands for Web Services and Small Words. Here it goes.   I recently had a very interesting discussion about if the increased size of messages in SOA in respect to traditional architectures is a bad…

Formal tools for web services security

Feeling nostalgic about Pi calculus, theorem proving and all those nice things you were used to play with back at your university time? Jorgen Thelin gives you the chance to brush up your formal reasoning skills in association with web service security topic, by introducing project Samoa from MS Research: http://www.thearchitect.co.uk/weblog/archives/2003/11/000258.html That page is…