Making sense of the Tablet PC Accelerometer: WinGimcana

Making sense of the Tablet PC Accelerometer: WinGimcana

Hi everybody!At the address you can find a small toy I wrote in order to play with one of the coolest but least mentioned M200 features, the Accelerometer. Winform is pretty far from my daily bread (web services), but I have to say that GDI+ is very powerful and well documented! And, of…

WSETrace Here

As everybody knows, Simon produced a really useful wse trace viewer: however, I was never able to use it as quckly as I’d like (when you open it you have to navigate to your project via folder dialog, instead of pasting the path: and I have the tendency of building pretty deep folder hierarchies)….

Quote of the week

“Web service developers have trouble dealing with humans, and I’m not just talking about getting dates.” Keith Brown, from Well, I’d say it can be locally true but fortunately I would not hold it as a general rule… 🙂If you exclude the above, the paper is a concentrate of wisdom. Don’t miss it!

Power without cables I’d say that if it works they have a bright future.Considering than now I have a different adapter for each of the following (not everything is mine, but all of them are around): phone(s) bluetooth headset bluetooth GPS antenna port replicator tablet pocketpc camera router access point cell recharger portable HD mp3…