How Infocard prevents phishing, in practice

I recently had a hot debate about how Infocard prevents phising; now everytime I see the “What’s in your wallet?” commercial the arguments come back in mind, so I guess the only way to break free from them is going again through it. So here it’s how it goes [:)] Disclaimer: for extensive coverage of Infocard and the Identity Metasystem,…



Ahhh, finally. Getting a personalized plate was one of the things I was looking for when I relocated to the States.. and in record time, I got one which pays homage to one of my biggest passions! [:)]

bromio & 64 bits

Today my most excellent colleagues Volker, Neil and Trudy sent me what I can define as just the last expression of that creativity that makes so pleasant to be in this team [:)] <IMG src="" mce_src="" <IMG src="" mce_src=""