The Resource STS: R-STS, RP-STS, A-STS… the other face of token issuing

The Resource STS: R-STS, RP-STS, A-STS… the other face of token issuing

In short: I talk a bit about the idea of resource STS, and I give the ropes of the messages exchanged for engaging it.   When you get introduced to the Identity Metasystem, one of the first things you hear about is the role subdivision it proposes: subjects, relying parties and identity providers….

Un altro episodio di Italia 9 in prima pagina – Another episode of Italia 9 makes it to the home page

Another episode of Italia 9, our channel9 show featuring Italians working in the Redmond campus. Questa volta Alessandro “Cato” Catorcini ci parla di Common Language Runtime, Silverlight e applicationi ad alta affidabilita’. Enjoy the video from here! As always special thanks to Charles “Carlo” Torre, without whom this show would simply not be possible….