My Team is Hiring!

Happy new year everyone!

I have an enormous backlog of blog posts (and other things) to write, but this is just too big not to share right away.

The team I’ve been part of for the last few years, the Windows Azure Platform Evangelism team, is hiring! You can find all the details HERE.

Working in Evangelism in Corp is an incredible opportunity of *literally* staying ahead of the curve, working with the key people in the engineering teams and giving a very concrete, very visible contribution to the new technology waves. If that wave is something as strategic and game-changing as the Windows Azure platform, you can multiple the above by a factor 10!

This is definitely not a 9 to 5 job, as you can imagine: but if you want to be challenged and feel at all times that you are giving a meaningful contribution and making a measurable, positive difference this is hard to beat. Until now I haven’t been in any other job that allows me use so many different talents, from the technical depth to communication skills, from project management to even graphic design skills! It stretches me in so many areas and allows me to express myself, getting off the bed in the morning has never been easier (I am still not a morning person, tho Smile).

The deliverables of this team speak from themselves, from the training kits to the keynote demos, from big end to end scenarios like FabrikamShipping to key tools like the Windows Azure cmdlets and the various MMCs, from channel9 series like the IdElement and CloudCover to key sessions at PDC, TechEd, and many others. And you have just to look at the alumni (Ryan Dunn, David Aiken) to appreciate how this job can breed industry leaders.

So, what are you waiting for! Apply here, and who knows… perhaps in few weeks we’ll be having lunch together at Tuna House in Bellevue!

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