Passwords on PostIt… on the floor of the RSA expo :-)
Well, well, well. I was strolling trough the vendor booths at the RSA exposition (which, by the way, is really very interesting) when my eyes were caught by a peculiar scene:
Yes, it is what it seems: a username & password pair on a PostIT!
To be honest, after talking with the booth owners given the technology demonstrated by that booth the user/password credentials were not really the point. Nonetheless, before knowing it I found just surreal to see the quintessential example of password mishandling right in the heart of RSA itself 🙂
Note: I do have a picture of it and I was going to embed it in this post, but I don’t think it would be nice of me to publish it to a wide audience hence I won’t. Anyway I am sure you saw that scene a number of times already 😉