Identity & Cloud Services @ Øredev 2008


Immediately after IDWorld I will fly to Malmö, Sweden, where I will present a session "Identity & Cloud Services" for the Architecture track of Øredev 2008. Øredev is a big developer conference, one of the most important for the Scandinavian countries: this is definitely a technical audience, which which I won’t hesitate to delve in the details of the architectural patterns and some code here and there. The breadth of the sessions roaster is pretty impressive: check out the cool Silverlight-based agenda explorer here and you’ll see for yourself 🙂

In the same timeframe I’ll visit customers in the neighboring Copenhagen, if you want to meet I’ll be around! I still don’t know how I’ll manage to pack: Barcelona is pretty hot, Sweden is cold, and for various meetings I’ll need a suit… oh well, if last year I managed the delta Spain-Iceland, I hope I’ll manage this year too 😉


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