Can I have 2 Kg. of SOA?

During this week in Singapore I visited many enterprise customers, and of course when you talk about WCF/WF/CardSpace the three letter word that begins with “S” and ends in “OA” eventually come up. For enphatizing my position “SOA is an Architecture, not a product” I adapted an old joke (is it an Italian joke? can’t really remember) to the situation, and managed to draw some chuckles… so I’m grabbing my tablet pen and sharing it with you, hoping that my poor talent will be sufficient to get my point across. Enjoy & reuse 🙂

PS: OneNote totally rocks, even when misused for making silly pictures!


  1. Actually, I have been joking with our sales people often enough in that regard also.

    I ask them usually if they try to sell SOA by the kg or by the liter to make them upset 🙂

    (Similar thing with BI).

    I guess similar ideas pop up in different places.

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