Boost TabletPc pen responsiveness
Weeell. As you know, I love sketching little pictures for supporting my point in my posts, and the tabletpc pen is simply perfect for that: it’s really the most natural thing to use!
It’s very frustrating when you stumple into drawing software that exhibits sorry performance with the pen: however it’s usually enough to raise the priority of tabtip.exe to get around the issue. I automated the process by using a small exe, that switches the priority from normal to high and from high to normal: I just call it before drawing and after drawing. Actually, rather than “small” I should say “tiny”: the entire code is:
namespace PenBooster
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Process[] TabTipArr = Process.GetProcessesByName(“tabtip”);
if (TabTipArr.Length != 0)
Process TabTip = TabTipArr[0];
if (TabTip.PriorityClass == ProcessPriorityClass.Normal)
TabTip.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;
TabTip.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Normal;
Naturally, fiddling with process priority is never good for the system: if you decide to do the same, you do it at your own risk 🙂 the code above is for sample purposes only, comes with no guarantee whatsoever, etc etc