TechEd 2011微软中国技术大会:下周与您相约

TechEd 2011微软中国技术大会:下周与您相约

  亲爱的中国读者, 我很高兴地宣布今年我也将会出席在北京的TechEd技术会议! 我将会在10月13日星期四演讲几个话题;其中的一个话题跟我在几周前的//Build会议上展示的比较相似,另外一个话题将会是基于claims身份架构的深入浅出。 不过我来北京最重要的原因其实是见到你们!我想向你们学习一切有关如何处理你们应用程序身份的问题,这样我才能够把你们的要求带回雷蒙德。我将会有空出席于TechEd 会场星期三(12日)以及星期五(14日)的会议,如果您感兴趣,请跟我联系吧。 谢谢!期待下周与您相约! 维托里奥 附言:十分感谢我的好朋友兼同事 王超 帮我翻译这篇博客。 P.P.S.: last year’s keynote recording:

New in ACS: Portal in Multiple Languages, a New Rule Type… and Wave Bye-Bye to Quotas

Big news in ACSland today! There few new key features that – I am sure – many of you will welcome with a big smile. As usual, for the full scoop take a look at the announcement and the release notes; here I’ll just give you few highlights & customarily lighthearted commentary. The…

Updated Windows Azure Access Control Service Cmdlets: Modules, Continuation and Backup/Restore!

Updated Windows Azure Access Control Service Cmdlets: Modules, Continuation and Backup/Restore!

As promised yesterday, here there’s one of the deliverables I mentioned. About one month ago we published the first release of a set of PowerShell cmdlets for ACS: wrappers for the ACS management APIs, which allow you to easily script tasks such as wiping a namespace, adding an OpenID provider, automating often-used provisioning…


[Dave, forgive me for lifting your headline it’s just too good a fit for the occasion] As anticipated during a recent CloudCover episode, tomorrow it’s going to be my first day as Principal Program Manager in the identity product team. I’ll be looking after the developer experience for our identity products on premises…