bromio & 64 bits

Today my most excellent colleagues Volker, Neil and Trudy sent me what I can define as just the last expression of that creativity that makes so pleasant to be in this team [:)] <IMG src="" mce_src="" <IMG src="" mce_src=""

WS-Survey is upon us

Now it’s the moment to make YOUR vision count! Let us know what is your take on Connected Systems & Web Services, by taking this survey: you’ll have the chance to influence the next wave of guidance, and elicit products improvement… sounds worth few mins, isn’t it [;)] Spread the word!

The church of t4T

Hello there.I’d like to surface a debate I had recently about the application of the four tenets, or t4T for brevity. Please note my blog disclaimer, which applies to all my post even when I don’t explicitly mention it. Behind object orientation there’s Algebra: the idea of classes, methods, equivalence operators… many of the concepts…

InfoCard and CT imagery

When I was dealing with the first years of my CS degree, I complained all the time that most of the exams were pure math: everybody kept saying that it would have been a good basis for the advanced topics, yadda yadda but I was’t so inclined to see that strategic value after days and…

maybe a bit stale, but still noteworthy: WS-Management flies toward standardization

Among the tons of things which happened during my blogout (from “blackout”: neologism indicating a timeframe without posts [:)]), there was the push for WS-Management standardization: see Reminder: WS-Management is NOT about management OF web services, it’s rather enabling the management of system and devices VIA web services. Some names of the proponents:…

OASIS forms a committee on Web Services transaction standards (WS-TX)

Yet another piece goes to its place.WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-BusinessActivity will be the base for THE standard in web services coordination protocols, of which the transactions are the most notable example.There is a long list of companies behind this effort, all big names of the industry: with that kind of consensus, it’s reasonable to expect great results…

Mobile delight

You may or not may believe it, but I’m writing this post from my new JasJar!!! Everything works nicely (community server is GREAT), and the tiny keyboard is just amazingly effective… too bad I’m too busy now to play with it as it would deserve 🙂