Addictive technologies

There are things that are striking with their pure usefulness, and leave you wonder how you managed without in the past (and makes you panic to the idea of find yourself without in the future!). In fact, the last 10 years were especially rich of those things: here I’ll list (in random orderr) some of the technologies…

Web Services and Italianity

[warning: may contain generalizations and/or traces of careless simplifications. Read cum grano salis] This evening (that’s to say about 1 hour ago: GMT+1) I was dining with a colleague consultant, and we were reasoning about how us Italian tend to cope better with bureocracy trickeries, or in general with processes that don’t follow…


Clemens introduces FABRIQ. From the GDN FABRIQ workspace home: > FABRIQ is a high-performance, one-way, queuing-network like messaging architecture with accompanying reference implementation. we will watch its career with great interest![who gets from there the quote was adapted from?:-)]

WSE’s little known fact: custom SecurityContextToken issuers and policy

I’m sure everybody appreciated how WSE2 makes exceptionally easy to use WS-SecureConversation: you turn autoIssueSecurityContextToken on, you lay out two matching policy caches and voilà. Your endpoint has a double life: by day it answers WSDL-legitimate requests, by night it gives away SCTs to the worthy clients ๐Ÿ™‚What is less known is that you…

MAY VS2005 (whidbey) MSDN

If you are playing with the May bits of Visual Studio 2005 (DO IT! i’s stuffed with many pleasant surprises, to say the least), you may stumble on some performance issues with the accompanying MSDN version. Rob Caron provides a workaround that works like a charm: >In “C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedhelp whidbeydexplore.exe.config” change…

WS-quake: WSE2 is out

This is the moment so many of you waited for so eagerly: WSE2 has been released! The freshest WS-* implementations, including the OASIS standards on security and the latest upgrades to WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation, ready for you to use in your production project. Nice evidence of the power of WSE2 (and Information Bridge…