Developing a minimal STS with ADFS "2" Identity Framework (Part I: the STS itself)

Developing a minimal STS with ADFS "2" Identity Framework (Part I: the STS itself)

I promised it, and I’m doing it. In this post I will give a simple walkthrough of developing an STS with the ADFS “2” Identity Framework. If you went to my breakout session at TechEd Europe, you can safely skip this post. I am not going to reveal anything more than I’ve already shown…

Book Lore

Flying from Brussels to Reykjavik (hey, I’ve finally learned to spell it?). Damn economy seat on the boundary with biz class, the curtain keeps falling in front of the X61 screen. I have tons of things to do, I am behind on a lot of fronts and I know that people will nag me…

ADFS "2" at TechEd Europe

ADFS "2" at TechEd Europe

After Japan, this year I have the pleasure to present also at TechEd Europe in Barcelona. I have a breakout session (SBP309) on Thursday morning, and an interactive session (SBP11-IS) around lunch time.From the title & abstract it may seem your typical CardSpace session, however… there’s a twist! I will actually have the chance to give a…

Another huge CardSpace win goes live: CDiscount

Those are magical weeks 🙂 With its 5 million users and daily transaction in the tens of thousands, is among the key web retailers in France. CDiscount wanted to harden the checkout phase and make easier for the user to transmit shipping information. Jean-Francois Gomez, Microsoft France’s Platform Strategy Advisor,  introduced CardSpace to…

On DisplayToken

On DisplayToken

I was recently browsing the home page of, and a post from the forum caught my eye. The main argument is if the display token violates or not the first law, since the STS may decide to use different values in the display token and in the token itself; then there are…

The Tao of Claims

[updated]  In short: I describe why claims are important for every developer and architect (not just the security expert), and I provide some heuristics for helping everybody to reason about claim based systems.   I don’t think we did an exceptionally good job in explaining claims based programming and its implications. A lot of…

David Chappell on Identity

MSDN just published the latest version of David Chappell’s paper on the uber story of identity for .NET applications (and beyond, I would add). Recommended!!! With his usual clarity David manages to capture the overall picture and provide a general frame of reference for the base concepts such as tokens, claims, identity providers, token…