Apps as Organisms

Apps as Organisms

This afternoon I was absentmindedly fiddling with one of our fossil plates, when my thoughts went to the upcoming Azure AD dev session I am scheduled to deliver in just few weeks at TechEd Europe. I have a lot of ground to cover: ideally I would like to talk about traditional web apps,…

Migrate a VS2013 Web Project From WIF to Katana

Migrate a VS2013 Web Project From WIF to Katana

As you already know, VS2013 introduced a new ASP.NET project creation experience that closely integrates with Azure AD – allowing you to provision an entry for your application right at project creation time, without the need to visit the portal. Projects created through that experience implement their identity functionality with Windows Identity Foundation….

Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) v2 for .NET/Windows Store/Windows Phone–General Availability!

Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) v2 for .NET/Windows Store/Windows Phone–General Availability!

Today it is my honor and privilege to announce the general availability of ADAL v2 for .NET, Windows Store and Windows Phone apps! If you want to get it, all you need to do is to enter the following from the package manager in VS: Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory Let’s talk about what we are…

Azure AD Records User Consent for Native Apps in the Refresh Token

Azure AD Records User Consent for Native Apps in the Refresh Token

An alternative title for this post could have been “Why users of my native app are prompted by Azure AD for consent every time they authenticate?”. In brief: for native apps, the consent granted by the user is recorded by Azure Active Directory in the refresh token issued on the first successful authentication….