Contract as a way of life in literature

Strange how certain anchors seems not to be susceptible to watering by continual exposure to the triggering stimuli.Example: everytime I hear or read something semantically equivalent to “contract based”, or “contract driven”, I can’t help to think of Kenzo Yagai. It’s a fictional character, found in the marvelous novel (part of the fair…

Media Center: Intervallo &ltmusichetta&gtplin, plin plin plin, …&lt/musichetta&gt

<Intervallo musichetta=”Arpa”>   <vistafadeinfadeout>Pero</vistafadeinfadeout>   <vistafadeinfadeout>Calenzano</vistafadeinfadeout>   <vistafadeinfadeout>Uscio</vistafadeinfadeout>   <vistafadeinfadeout>CasalPusterlengo</vistafadeinfadeout>…</Intervallo> OOOOK, avete già capito. Non sono uno spergiuro, ne mi sono dimenticato: semplicemente al momento attuale mi sto occupando d’altro, quindi cerco di evitare l’overhead del context switch. Tra qualche tempo dovrei tornare sull’argomento, ed approfitterò dello stato di attivazione dei relativi simboli (grazie Marvin!) per riprendere a raccontarvi come funzionano…

Modeling Reality

Happy new year everyone!My first 2005 post is about something that I hold very dear, a computer science book titled “Modeling Reality“.I’ve seen pretty much all phases of its building happening at about 1 mt from me: following the geek couple pattern by the book, she spent her evenings on her laptop at her…

Sviluppare su Media Center, guida per programmatori oberati 1: i Rudimenti

Hi again. As announced, I’m going on with some introductory posts about Media Center development. I’m going to provide a condensed view of what can be found in the standard documentation of the product. As announced, the post will be in Italian: if you want details of an English version let me know…

Sviluppare su Media Center

Hi all.This is going to be the first of some posts about developing for Media Center: I had the luck to contribute to one of the very first applications in Italy, and I believe that it deserves to be discussed a bit. Media Center was just released in Italy few weeks ago, while in other countries it…

Do Klingons use namespaces?

Every SF fan, sooner or later, goes through a phase in which he/she questions the plausibility of what goes on on the various book/shows. Well, I guess I’m going through mine right now.I’m slightly bothered by the classical “Captain, we’ve been hailed” or “Hail them!” when the other endpoint is, to use the understatement of the…