Survival of the Thinnest

Survival of the Thinnest

As you know, I occasionally like to post non-identity silly stuff: that’s one of those cases! I was digging in my old phones stash searching for a specific SIM card, and I couldn’t help noticing how the shape of the devices appeared to favor specific traits through time – which I like to…

Setting Up an ASP.NET Project with Organizational Authentication Requires an Organizational Account

Setting Up an ASP.NET Project with Organizational Authentication Requires an Organizational Account

I am hearing very positive feedback about the new organizational capabilities in the ASP.NET tools in VS2013 – which makes me very happy But that does not mean that we already achieved perfection, of course. Besides the new features request (do you have any? Write to us!) there are a couple of issues…

Protecting a Self-Hosted API with Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory

Protecting a Self-Hosted API with Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory

As you might have sensed, OWIN is slated to occupy a prominent role in our next wave of claims-based identity software (more details soon (I hope)).One question I am getting with increasing frequency is “just how lightweight is this OWIN thing? Is it going to impose heavy requirements that will prevent me from…

MSDN Magazine Article: Secure ASP.NET Web API with Windows Azure AD and Microsoft OWIN Components

MSDN Magazine Article: Secure ASP.NET Web API with Windows Azure AD and Microsoft OWIN Components

The November issue of the MSDN Magazine features an article from yours truly, titled “Secure ASP.NET Web API with Windows Azure AD and Microsoft OWIN Components”. Thanks to the awesome editorial team and the precious input from Daniel Roth and Howard Dierking (thanks guys!) the article is various notches above the rants in…

Call a Web API Without Knowing in Advance Its Resource URI or What Authority It Trusts

Call a Web API Without Knowing in Advance Its Resource URI or What Authority It Trusts

Courtesy of the daylight saving switch, which made the weekend just a tad longer, here there’s a quick post to show a relatively small but powerful feature of ADAL, the AuthenticationParameters class.In a nutshell: I’ll show you how you can write a client to consume a Web API secured by AD – knowing…

Using ADAL’s AcquireTokenBy AuthorizationCode to Call a Web API From a Web App

Using ADAL’s AcquireTokenBy AuthorizationCode to Call a Web API From a Web App

We are going to publish a sample doing justice to this scenario soon, but in the meanwhile I am getting questions about this multiple times per day hence I think it’s time to whip up a super-quick post and unblock some of you guys. Wait, what am I talking about? Perhaps I rushed…

You Have to Sign Up With Your Own Multiple Organizations ASP.NET App Before You Can Sign In

You Have to Sign Up With Your Own Multiple Organizations ASP.NET App Before You Can Sign In

Well, I’ve basically wrote most of the post already in the extra-long title! The ASP.NET project templates in VS2013 for multiple organizations apps contain a design choice which appears to be causing grief to many developers. In this post I am going to describe the issue (and show you how to make it…

VS2013 RTM, Organizational Accounts and Publishing to Windows Azure Web Sites

VS2013 RTM, Organizational Accounts and Publishing to Windows Azure Web Sites

Ahh joy, after a wait few weeks long I an finally typing on by brand new purple type cover 2, snapped to a shiny new Surface Pro 2! I just *have* to use this guy, and what better mixed workload than writing a blog post? That will exercise Visual Studio, the portal, Live…